Obtaining a tax identification number
On this page you will find information about the tax identification number (NIF) in Portugal. This number is crucial for your life in Portugal. Whether you want to live in Portugal, do business in Portugal or even buy a vacation home to rent out in the future.
Obtaining a tax identification number (NIF) is the first step towards becoming a resident in Portugal. You don’t need to be physically present in Portugal to obtain a tax identification number (NIF).
Q & A
Do I need to be in Portugal to get a NIF?
The answer is no. The process can be handled directly by us through a power of attorney. We only need the documents mentioned below to start the NIF application.
What documents do I need to obtain a NIF?
We will need a copy of your passport, proof of address (deed of sale, rental agreement, water and electricity bill) and power of attorney to request a tax identification number.
How long does it take to obtain a NIF?
Once we have all the documents to proceed with the process of obtaining the tax identification number (NIF), the deadline is up to 5 working days.